What is it and what does it bring with it?
According to article 2, par. 1d of law 3896/2010, sexual harassment is any unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature with the purpose or effect of insulting the dignity of a person by creating intimidating, hostile, humiliating, humiliating or/ and aggressive impact.
Women and men have suffered and still suffer all kinds of harassment and this is appalling and reprehensible.
We must not hide behind stereotypes and platitudes that men are usually perceived as the stronger sex and therefore that they do not have the same harsh experience as a woman.
Each one of us has his own experience and carries his own weight. He gives his own importance to it, because only he personally knows the psychological imprint of his living experience.
There is a great surge of publicized stories. It carries with it the psychological weight that has been instilled in both those who spoke and those who are trying to find the strength to give voice to their experience. It is important to emphasize here that:
Many incidents still remain in the dark and not only from men to women but from any person, who likes to be in the position of the abuser, to any other person, who happens to be in the position of the victim/survivor.
There may be more percentage cases that come from men to women but we can never know what really prevails, how many experiences there are and who lives what.
So what's up today? What is the major change today?
Every experience has slowly begun to be heard. Shame to diminish. Condemn heinous acts… A ray of hope just came through the window… This is how I feel…
Many times we hear from people of all gender identities disapproving of the way a woman is dressed.
They use stereotypical and disapproving expressions such as:
'Doesn't he really think that he is causing this?'
'How do her parents let her go around like this?'
'Didn't anyone teach her how to dress to protect herself?'
'Definitely wants to provoke and attract attention'
And then they say it's the other person's fault that she fell for her, even though she doesn't pay attention and walks around like that. How can the other restrain himself? he is a man
and many many many more.
Unfortunately, in the year 2021, not only have they not begun to fade, but we are not even leaving a crack open for a different way of seeing to shine.
I wonder when it will be? Does anyone have an answer? I believe that each person apart from us must take responsibility for himself/herself and examine his/her way of thinking and acting...
Vice versa…
It happens many times, especially in work environments, that the male psyche is affected by same-sex or other-sex behaviors. The result is often being trapped in situations of harassment and mental interference. Target; To be able to realize dreams and ambitions.
In every context, friendly, family, work, stranger, it is possible and it has been proven that it is possible for anyone, of any form, quality and quantity, to experience harassment, whether or not it results in an act that interferes with the body.
Whether there is action or not, what is it that happens in the soul?
What is happening is the recording of PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA in the soul!!!
What is trauma?
The psychological and emotional reaction to an unpleasant (if only that word can be used) event that caused deep pain.
It means that the above comes down and the below up in the soul. Two big questions come to mind: 'And now how do I proceed to the next day?' 'To speak;' These two questions begin and pulsate and the feelings of shame and anxiety come to nestle in the heart and soul.
about my body, shame about who I am, shame about my family, shame about my partner…
about the treatment from those around me, anxiety if they will believe me, if they will accuse me, if they will support me, if they will hold my hand, if they will disapprove of me, anxiety if I will be stigmatized and all my dreams, my expectations, my ambitions will be harassed too.
You out there who are reading this article and have been harassed or you who are afraid that this moment will not come, you have the unparalleled right to wear whatever you want, to react, to say no, to walk away and to speak up whenever you want!
You have the right to express your experience, to ask for help, to stop people who will try to reduce you and make you feel worse, you have the right to feel that you did nothing wrong and to raise your voice! We will be there to hold your hand, even mentally, and help your voice find the status it deserves.
Because you deserve it! Because you are a self-sufficient personality with unique characteristics, with your own unique inner world that you must take care of and embrace. This is what we owe to you!
You out there reading this article and inciting the human condition keep in mind that your freedom of action ends where you limit another person's freedom of existence. And in order to feel the meaning of this phrase, it is important to develop your empathy and begin to see from the other's eyes, to "put yourself" in their place and understand how you would feel if this happened to you, to your daughter , your son, your wife, your husband, your sister, your brother, your mom, your dad...
Freedom has limits! Keep this!
Each experience has a unique value and deserves to be heard, embraced and treated with sensitivity and respect! There is no reason to be ashamed, you continue to be a self-sufficient personality with values, dreams, ideals that you can see come to life. You can continue to dream and make them come true every moment and every minute. As you deserve any experience and trauma to express it, analyze it, explore it and ask for help whenever you need it to ease it!
Thank you for your time!
I'm here whatever you need